Data by District - Water, Land Use, High Capacity Wells, DNR
Below are all of the open record request results as of Nov. 22, 2017. Republican legislators are arranged numerically by Senate (SD) and Assembly District (AD). If a legislator's line is blank, they have not yet responded to their respective ORR.
You will note the very large numbers for Sen. Tiffany (R-Hazelhurst). They come from a letter sent to all State Senators from 21 lake associations and lake districts representing 8,000 property owners. You may also note that Senators Vukmir (SD 3), Darling (SD 8), LeMahieu (SD 9), Nass (SD 11), and Kapenga (SD 33) did not provide the letter with their records. You can read the letter here.
All Republican Senators voted "YES" on SB 239.
If a district has a Democratic Senator, the SD is not shown, but the ADs within it are if they have Republican Representatives.